Can I change or cancel my order after I have placed it?
Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to adjust or cancel your order, and we will do our best to assist you. Once an order has been sent, we are unable to update or cancel it.
I entered the wrong address/product/size. What can I do?
If your order has not been fulfilled yet, we will do our best to change the product/size or address for you. E-mail us at and make sure that your e-mail includes the correct address, product and size. If the order has already been shipped, no changes can be made to the shipping label or destination. Please double-check your product/size or address when placing your order to avoid any trouble.
I have not received an email confirmation. What should I do?
In this case, you should contact our support team at and confirm your email. This way we can see if there are any mistakes with the email given and try to correct this issue as soon as possible. 
How long will it take to get a reply?
All emails are replied to within 24 hours. 
Is it safe to use my credit card online at The Exit Club?
Your personal online security is very important to us. To ensure your shopping experience is safe we do not process or store any payment information in our database, and only work leading payment providers in transferring information to process your orders.
When will I be charged?
You will be charged as soon as your order is complete. However, based on your payment plan with Klarna, you will be charged accordingly. 
How do I track my order?
You will receive an email with tracking information once your order is shipped.
When will my order arrive?
We aim to ship all orders as soon as possible. The regular processing time is 2–10 business days. 
I have received a faulty product, what should I do?
Our policy covers any damaged or defective products upon arrival. Of course, we aim for a zero-tolerance to faulty product being sent out, but if in the unlikely event, this were to happen please contact us directly at with a picture of the faulty product and we will help you proceed with a reclamation and of course compensate you in the best way possible. 
Will I be refunded for the full amount of my order?
When returning your order, we will issue a full refund for the products.